We are pleased to announce the launch of a grant competition at IT4I. We have successfully implemented cloud machines on the IT4Innovation cluster, offering the same convenience and functionalities you are familiar with from the MetaCentrum Cloud.
This competition is an excellent opportunity to gain priority access to support your upcoming projects. More detailed information can be found in the attached invitation.
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are pleased to announce that the1st Grant Competition for Institutional and Community Access of IT4Innovations is now open for applications for computational resources.
This call aims to support the use ofe-INFRA CZ cloud serviceshosted on theKarolina supercomputer. These resources are well-suited for hostinglong-term, computationally intensive, and interactive services. However, they are not intended for long-term data storage or the establishment of repositories.
Key Dates:
Submission seadline: 20 March 2025
Results announcement: 28 April 2025
Usage period start: 30 April 2025
Available Computational Resources (up to 25% of each resource can be requested per application):
Cloud Services:
Instances: 768
vCPUs: 3,072
RAM: 1,536 GB
Volume Storage: 256 TB
Floating IP Addresses: 64
Find technical specifications of Karolina Cloud Services, other resources, and application form on our website.