Seminars concerning the Czech national grid environment MetaCentrum and the actual implementation of its services:
Planned seminar:
- 20.5.2025 e-INFRA CZ conference (Brno)
Past seminars:
- 4.3.2025 Prezentation on Kontejnery v praxi, Praha -- e-INFRA CZ, kontejnery, AI a mrchožrouti [PDF]
- 4.3.2025 Prezentation MetaCentrum NGI For scientific computations, collaborative research & its support services (for EOSC), Brno [PDF]
- 28.2..2025 HandsOn prezentace na ČZU
- 30. 11. 2023 -- Hands-on, Institute of Biophysics of the CAS,
- 30–31 May 2023 -- The Czech National Competence Center in HPC (IT4I) is inviting you to a course Introduction to MPI, which will be held hybrid (online and onsite)
- 26-27 April 2023 -- The Czech National Competence Center in HPC (IT4I) is inviting you to a course High Performance Data Analysis with R, which will be held hybrid (online and onsite)
- 12. - 13. 4. 2023 - EOSC CZ + Grid Computing Seminar MetaCenter 2023
- 23. 3. 2023 MetaCentrum - grid service for scientific computations and collaborative research, within the internal seminar Machines & Methods IBP meeting, Institute of Biophysics of the CAS
- 8. 3. 2023 Hands-on Přf UK, Praha [PDF]
- February 7, 2023 Hands-on -- Biocev + JČU + Český zdravotnický ústav, Praha CESNET, [PDF]
- 12. 1. 2023 Seminar on services -The Silva Tarouca Research Institute (Praha)
2022 and older
- 12. 12. 2022 How to use accelerated computing resources in EGI for supporting Ukraine researchers, webinar online PDF
- 10. 5. 2022 Grid Computing seminar 2022
- 18. 3. 2022 Webinar Introducing Kubernetes as another computing platform available to MetaCentrum users (in Czech language) REGISTRATION
- 2. 3. 2022 Presentation on seminar Bioinformatika (Marian Novotný, Katedra buněčné biologie, PřF UK) -- Metacentrum - Computation for the academic community [PDF]
- 6. 10. 2021 Presentation at Sitola Laboratory MUNI (PV273) - Running containers in Metacentrum, PyTorch and TensorFlow using GPU cards [PDF]
- 23. 9. 2021seminar to implement the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) initiative in the Czech Republic
- 15. 9. 2021 Presentation at Sitola Laboratory seminar MUNI (PV273) [PDF] [VIDEO]
- july - Hands-on ČZU, Praha
- 23. 6. 2020 - EOSC Landscaping webinar - European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and recently completed EOSC Landscaping and its results in the Czech Republic.
- 20. - 24. 1. 2020 - CSIRT: Series of e-Infrastructure Security Meetings, Prague
- 18. 11. 2019 - Hands-on, AS CR (Vila Lanna, Praha) [PDF]
- 8. 11. 2019 - Hands-on seminář, UEB AS CR Olomouc (prof. Doležel group) [PDF]
- 16. 10. 2019 - Galaxy - Elixir, Code Week 2019, Farmaceutická fakulta UK v Hradci Králové a PřF Univerzita Hradeck Králové
- 3. 5. 2019 - Galaxy + Chipster, ČZU Praha
- 15. 4. 2019 - Hands-on, Sci Cuni (dr. Drbal group) [PDF]
- 30. 1. 2019 - Grid Computing Workshop 2019, Praha
- 29. 1. 2019 - Exkurze pro předmět PřF MU C2115 Praktický úvod do superpočítání, Brno [PDF]
- 23. 11. 2018 - Hands-on FI MU + research group from Gdaňs [PDF]
- 24. 4. 2017 - Hands-on seminar, SLU Opava [PDF]
- 30. 3. 2017 - Grid Computing Workshop 2017, Brno
- 23. 2. 2017 - meeting with users of Luna, Exmag, Kalpa, Goliáš clusters (FZÚ AV ČR)
- 1. 2. - 27. 1. - excursion for SCI MU C2115 "Praktický úvod do superpočítání"
- 31. 1. 2017 - Hands-on seminář Fakulta strojní, TUL [PDF]
- 2. 2. 2016 - presentation for students PřF MU [PDF]
- 1. 12. 2015 - Grid Computing Workshop 2015, Brno -- focus on bioinformatics
- 10. 11. 2015 - Tutorial "Introduction to Federated Cloud" and Dos and Don'ts for Virtual Applienace Preparation", Bari
- 12. 11 2015 - Security tutorial EGI Communitz Forum 2015, Bari
- 9. 6. 2015 - hands-on seminar, VŠE and ZČU [PDF]
- 18. 5. 2015 - Security tutorial EGI Conference 2015, Lisbon
- 25. 3. 2015 - OpenNebula Tech Day, Praha
- 27. 1. 2014 - exkurze pro předmět PřF MU C2115 Praktický úvod do superpočítání [PDF]
- 12. 12. 2014 - Galaxy Workshop, Brno [PDF]
- 2. 12. 2014 - Grid Computing Seminar 2014, Prague
- 20. 10. 2014 - 6. Methodical days (AV ČR), Congress Centre Jezerka, Seč, invited lecture
- 9. - 10.10. 2014 - MetaCentrum hands-on seminar, Zlín [PDF]
- 4. - 5. 10. 2014 - Linux days - HPC/GPU workshop, ČVUT FIT Praha, invited lecture [PDF]
- 2. - 3.10. 2014 - MetaCentrum hands-on seminar, Olomouc [PDF]
- 19. 9. 2014 - Ceremonial opening of new FI building and CERIT-SC server rooms, Fakulty of Informatics MU, Brno [PDF]
- 17. 9. 2014 - Konference projektu HyDaP (CzechGlobe), Pavilon Anthropos Brno, invited lecture [PDF]
5.-6.+14. 8. 2014 - Hands-on seminar, Czech Technical University in Prague and Charles University [
8. 7. 2014 - Hands-on seminar, Ústav histologie a embryologie LF MU [
25. - 27. 6. 2014 - invited lecture on ANSYS Conference 2014 a 22nd SVSFEM ANSYS Users’ Meeting, SVS FEM [
23. 6. 2014 - Hands-on seminar, UHK Hradec Králové [
20. 6. 2014 - Hands-on seminar, UPCE Pardubice [
26. -28. 5. 2014 - Setkání zástupců ústavů a kateder mechaniky a kateder pružnosti a pevnosti 2014 z České a Slovenské republiky (, prezentace k nasazení
Ansys Remote Solve Manageru v prostředí národního Gridu [
6. 2. 2014 - Hands-on seminar, ZČU [
23. 1. 2014 - Hands-on seminar, CEITEC [
PDF intro], [
PDF hands-on]
21. 1. 2014 - možnost využití GALAXY pro IBA MU (Institut biostatistiky a analýz Lékařské a Přírodovědecké fakulty MU) [
13. 11. 2013 - seminář GridMathematicy, Ústav přístrojové techniky, Brno [
PDF], příklad [
26. 9. 2013 - Hands-on seminář, CERIT-SC Brno pro projekty PASSEB a AdMaS [
13. 12. 2012 - Hands-on seminář, Institut biostatistiky a analýz, MU Brno [
7. 12. 2012 - Hands-on seminář, CEITEC MU Brno [
14. a 15. 11. 2012 - Hands-on semináře, Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, Olomouc [
11. 11. 2012 - PRACE workshop, IT4I Ostrava
7. a 15. 6. 2012 - Hands-on semináře, JU České Budějovice [
13. 4. 2012 - Seminář k Mathematice, FSI VUT, Brno [
7.6., 15. 6. 2012 - Hands-on seminar, JU České Budějovice [
13. 4. 2012 - Mathematica SW, FSI VUT, Brno [
11. 4. 2012 - Hands-on seminar, MU, Brno [
2. 4. 2012 - Hands-on seminar, Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, Olomouc
26. 11. 2008
Grid Computing Seminar, the seminar concerning the Czech national grid environment MetaCentrum and the actual implementation of its services.
Last changed:2025-03-05 12:56:07