Outage in Brno, October 1, 2012

1. 10. 2013 - Outage in Brno, October 1, 2012

All computing nodes located in the computing room of ICS MU (with property "brno", except machines zewura [1-8]) will be down on Tuesday October 1st due to works on electric network extension for expected new cluster of the CERIT-SC center.

Long jobs queues (more than 4 days) were disabled on that clusters. All the other  queues will be disabled later. Running jobs will be killed on switching the machines off. Please finish all jobs until end of September. Running jobs will be killed on switching the machines off.

At the same time, the frontend skirit.ics.muni.cz will not be available during the outage.

We are sorry for temporary unavailability of the resources.

Ivana Křenková, Thu Sep 26 16:17:00 CEST 2013