Planed power outage in Prague (frontend and cluster tarkil + /storage/praha1)

16.6.2015 10 - 12 AM - Planed power outage in Prague (frontend and cluster tarkil + /storage/praha1)

Dear users,

let us inform you that due to a planned outage of the network connection, frontend tarkil, cluster tarkil and disk array /storage/praha1/ will be temporally unavailable. Jobs running on the affected cluster or using the /storage/praha1/ will be temporarly suspended. Shortly before (and of course also during) the outage there will be no possibility to start a new job on the affected cluster. 

Please, terminate all interactive jobs running from the tarkil frontend until Tuesday morning. All running processes on the frontend will be terminated during the outage.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Ivana Krenkova



Ivana Krenkova, 12. 6. 2015