/storage/brno3-cerit/ planned HW upgrade
Let us inform you that on Thuersday October 27 (10 AM) the Brno's /storage/brno3-cerit/ (storage-brno3-cerit.metacentrum.cz) will be moved to a new hardware.
Influence on the running jobs:
- The jobs that work with the data saved on (or will save data to) another disk array will not be influenced.
- The jobs that perform their computations within the scratch space, which check the success of copying-out the resulting data (e.g., using the script skeleton available at https://wiki.metacentrum.cz/wiki/Running_jobs_in_scheduler#Recommended_procedures), and which will try to save the resulting data into /storage/brno3-cerit/, will not be influenced as well -- you'll find the resulting data in the scratch of the relevant nodes or the computed data will be stored to the old hardware and synchronized with the new one later. Please ask us to prioritize copying of your data.
- Data of the jobs that work directly with the data saved in /storage/brno3-cerit/ can be stored to the old hardware as well and synchronized with the new one up to tens hour later. Please ask us to prioritize copying of your data.
With apologies for the inconvenience and with thanks for your understanding.
Ivana Krenkova,
MetaCentrum & CERIT-SC
Ivana Křenková, 25. 10. 2016