HW upgrade of the /storage/brno6/

1.-2.12.2021 - HW upgrade of the /storage/brno6/


HW upgrade of the /storage/brno6/

From Wednesday December 12 (6 PM) to Thuersday December 2 (12 AM), the old disk array /storage/brno6/, will be upgraded to a new hardware. Try to limit the work on this disk array. Running processes that use long-running files directly in /storage/brno6 may crash after switching. 

  • During the synchronization, the /storage/brno6/ will be fully accessible (RW), except the final synchronization the last day.
  • After copying is completed, the new disk array will be available on the same symlink as the old disk array, from the user's point of view, nothing changes:
  • After the upgrade, the data will be physically located in the following storage (the name remains the same as in the past):

Influence on the running jobs:

  • The jobs that work with the data saved on (or will save data to) another disk array will not be influenced.

With apologies for the inconvenience and with thanks for your understanding.




Ivana Křenková, 30. 11. 2021